Bungie’s first-person shooter has been a console exclusive ever since its launch in 2014. Reported by Kotaku’s Jason Schreier and a NeoGaf poster that goes by benny_a – Destiny 2 will be coming to PC. The sequel to Destiny is reportedly slated for late 2017. Players with high-end computers will be able see Destiny’s universe in a different light. Without the limitations of last generation consoles Destiny can do things that couldn’t be done before. Bungie wants Destiny 2 to be a fully new game, not just an expansion that adds to the base game. The rumor was first spotted in a NeoGaf post saying that he knew someone at Activision. That person then traveled from plane to train and was shown a presentation on a laptop. Benny_a continues to say that Vicarious Vision and High Moon will help with the project. And oh yeah, matchmaking is in the sequel. For the NeoGaf Post Click Here Vicarious Vision has been around since 1990 and partnered with Activision in 2005. Over the year...
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