Last week Kotaku reported a leaked image of a possible Destiny sequel – the leaked image came from an Italian retailer. The report noted that there will be an upcoming beta (PS4 first) and a release date of September 8, 2017, three years after the original launch. Yesterday, Bungie’s Twitter account revealed a logo for Destiny 2 However, Bungie and Activision have yet to confirm the details about the beta and release date, but says it is on track to release this fall. Destiny 2 was rumored to be released on PC as well as PS4 and Xbox One. There are still no confirmation about the PC version. Bungie has been updating and adding DLC throughout Destiny’s life cycle. There has been four major DLCs added and a couple of major free updates. First DLC being: The Dark Below in 2014, House of Wolves in 2015 (May), The Taken King in 2015 ( September ), and Rise of Iron in 2016. Recently, Bungie announced they will be releasing a last piece of free update for Destiny called, Ag...
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