Over the last week Destiny 2 held The Iron Banner, an event that occurs every month. Lord Saladin visits the tower with neat looking armor and weapons that will be rewarded to the guardians that are participating. This new iteration of The Iron Banner is great for new players, it gives them a reason to come back every day and the token system is simple, unlike the bounty system in Destiny 1. Though this iteration of Iron Banner caters to the new and casual audience, it leaves us mid to hardcore players with not much to care about. There’s nothing that progresses our power level, no difficulty with Light advantage off, and on top of that, players not committing to an Iron Banner match. Eastern-Inspired Iron Banner Gear I’ve dabbled in Iron Banner in Destiny 1, it wasn’t my kind of game mode. I liked the PvP in both Destiny and Destiny 2, but once someone talks about hardcore PvP my interest was gone, my only incentives were getting the gear and getting my Light ...
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